4 matches to ZAPU
Nkomo, Joshua. 1917-99. Zimbabwe nationalist. Founded ZAPU.
ZANU. Zimbabwe African National Union. 1963-. Founded by Mugabe vs white minority rule. 1987 +ZAPU.
ZAPU. Patriotic Front. Zimbabwe African People’s Union. 1961-. Founded by Nkomo vs white minority rule in Rhodesia. 1987 Merged with ZANU.
Zimbabwe. 11C Shona. 15C Karanga Empire. 16C Portugal explores. 1890 British South Africa Co. 1911 Southern Rhodesia. 1953 +Nyasaland. 1964 =Rhodesia. 1965 Declared indepence, international sanctions. 1979 Independent. =Zimbabwe. ZAPU. ZANU. Mugabe.