58 matches to Warsaw Pact
Declaration of the 26 Nations. 1942. Washington. First reference to United Nations. Agreement to no separate truce with Axis.
Delhi Pact. 1931. Civil disobedience in India ceased in exchange for prisoner release. 1950. India, Pakistan restore rights, freedom of movement for refugees.
Family Compact. 1733,43,61. Spanish Bourbons support French wars.
Family Compact. Small conservative group dominates government of Upper Canada leading to 1837 Rebellion. Mackenzie.
Family Pact. 1863. Maximilian renounces claims to Austrian throne to be Emperor of Mexico.
Foreign Ministers, Council of. 1945. Allies and Axis meet to create WWII Peace treaties.
Four Power Pact. 1933. Br, Fr, Ger, It for peace in Europe.
German-Soviet Pact. 1939-41. Nonaggression agreement. Divided Poland, Baltic between USSR/Germany. Left Hitler free to invade Poland, starting WWII.
Grenville, George. 1712-70. British Prime Minister 1763-65. Revenue Act. Stamp Act.
Halepa, Pact. 1878. Turks grant self-government to Cretan Greeks.
Hudaybiyah, Pact of al-. 628. Muhammad and followers allowed into Mecca for pilgrimage. Hijrah.
Kellogg, Frank. 1856-1937. US Secretary of State 1925-9. Kellogg-Briand Pact.
Kellogg-Briand Pact. 1928. Outlawed war as an instrument of national policy. Signed by 62 countries. Kellogg. Briand.
Konoe, Fuminaro. 1891-1945. Japanese Prime Minister 1937~41. Formed Axis alliance; USSR non-aggression pact.
Lebanese Civil War. 1975-91. Moslem PLO gain power over Phalangists. Lebanese National Pact. Israeli, Syrian intervention 1978-82.
Lebanese National Pact. 1943-75. Compromise government of Maronite President, Sunni Prime Minister, Shi’ite Speaker.
Locarno Pact. 1925. Non-aggression treaty in Europe. Germany, France, Belgium, et al. Broken when Hitler occupied Rhineland,1936.
London Pact. 1914. Britain France Russia agree to no separate peace with Central Powers.
Mackenzie, William Lyon. 1795-1861. Led failed revolt vs Family Compact in Upper Canada 1837.
Matsuoka, Yosuke. 1880-1946. Japanese foreign minister 1940. Tripartite Pact with Germany, Italy.
Mayflower Compact. 1620. Basis of Plymouth gov’t.
Menzies, Robert. 1894-1978. Australian Liberal Prime Minister 1939-41, 49-66. ANZUS. SEATO.
Mers-el-Kébir. 1940 British sink French fleet so Axis can’t seize them. French bomb Gibraltar.
Mutual Assistance Pact. 1950. USSR supports China, sends arms to N Korea.
Nazi-Soviet Pact. German-Soviet Pact.