694 matches to Sturm und Drang
Enlightenment. 17-18C. Intellectual movement. Rationalism, natural laws vs dogma, authority. J-J Rousseau. Smith. Mendlessohn. Fontenelle. Voltaire. Montesquieu. Hume. Berkeley. Sturm und Drang.
Goethe, Johann. 1749-1832. German writer: Meister’s Apprenticeship 1796. Faust 1808-32. Memories 1809. Sturm und Drang.
Klinger, Friedrich. 1752-1831. German writer. Sturm und Drang 1776 inspires movement.
Sturm und Drang. 1760-80. German anti-enlightenment literary movement. Goethe. Klinger.
Herder, Johann von. 1744-1803. German Sturm and Drang Nationalist writer. Stimulated Romanticism.
Volkssturm. 1944. German home defence force.
Abd al-Mumin. 1094-1163. Founded Almohad Empire in north Africa and Spain. Massacred Almoravids.
Abd el-Kader. 1808-83. Arab emir who fought French 1840-46; founded Algerian state.
Abd el-Krim. 1882-1963. Fought France and Spain in Morocco. Founded Republic of Rif 1921-26.
Academia Palatina. 9C school founded by Charlemagne.
Académie Française. Assembly of 40 “immortals” founded 1635 by Richelieu to set literary standards, language.
Academy. c387BC-529. Greek school founded by Plato dedicated to exploration of science and philosophical truth. Closed by Justinian.
Achaemenids. c550-330BC. Persian dynasty founded by Cyrus II.
Addams, Jane. 1860-1935. US social reformer. Founded NAACP, Hull House.
Adler, Alfred. 1870-1937. Austrian psychiatrist. Split with Freud, 1911.
Adlerian Psychology. Man is driven to attain power to compensate for “inferiority feeling”. Can lead to “Overcompensation”, e.g. short dictators. Neuroses are illnesses as an excuse for underachievement.
Aeschylus. 524-456BC. Founded Greek tragic drama. Introduced 2nd actor, reduced chorus. Prometheus Bound. Seven Against Thebes, 467.
Agincourt, Battle. 1415. English victory over French during 100 Years War. High French losses.
Ahmad Shah Durrani. c1722-73. Founder, Afghanistan.
Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV). -1362BC. Founded sun (Aton) cult in Egypt. Reigned 1379-. Amarna age.
Alabama Claims. 1872. US claim damages caused by British built warships in Civil War. $15M=£3.25M awarded by arbitration.
Alexandria. Founded 332BC by Alexander the Great. Centre of Hellenistic culture. Lighthouse one of Seven Wonders. 284BC Great Library of 700,000+ volumes. Fires 47BC, 391.
All the Talents. 1806. English government under Grenville.
Altdorfer, Albrecht. c1480-1538. German founder landscape painting.
Amundsen, Roald. 1872-1928. Norwegian explorer, first to South Pole, 1911; NW Passage, 1906.