23 matches to Stuart
Anne. 1665-1714. British Queen 1702-. Reign notable for literarature, science, architecture. Last Stuart. Acts of Union, Settlement.
Babington, Anthony. 1561-86. English conspirator to murder Elizabeth I for Mary Queen of Scots. Beheaded.
Boyne, Battle. 1690. James II attempts to retake throne; defeated by William III, ending Catholic Stuart power in Ireland. Celebrated by Orangemen, Jul 12.
Charlie, Bonnie Prince. 1720-88. Scottish Stuart pretender to the English throne. Unsuccessful revolt 1745. Exiled.
Darnley, Lord. 1545-67. 2nd husband of Mary Queen of Scots. Assassinated.
Jacobites. 1688-1753. Supporters of exiled James II and Stuart line after Glorious Revolution. 1715 “Old Pretender” James fails to claim British throne. 1745-6. Bonnie Prince Charlie unable to reclaim throne of England/Scotland. Stuart supporters aided rebels in Scotland and Ireland. Culloden Moor.
Liberalism. 19C. Movement for freedom of the individual, democracy. Bentham. Mill. Spencer. 20C. Movement to free individuals from economic restraint by social welfare programs.
Mary Stuart. 1542-87. Queen of Scots 1542-67. Abdicated. Married Francis II. Queen of France 1559-60. Married Darnley 1565. Married Bothwell 1567, causing Scottish Revolt. Beheaded with Babington by Elizabeth I. Mother of James I.
Mill, John Stuart. 1806-73. English Utilitarian Positivist philosopher. Social as well as political freedom is necessary. Tyranny of the majority. Associationism. Political Economy 1848. On Liberty 1859. Utilitarianism 1863. Women’s Right to Vote 1866.
Moray, James Stuart, Earl of. c1531-70. Scottish Regent 1567-. Promoted Reformation after Mary’s abdication.
Ormonde, Duke of. 1610-88. Irish Stuart supporter during Civil War.
Percy, Thomas. 1528-72. Failed attempt 1569 to rescue Mary Stuart, replace Elizabeth.
Positivism. Knowledge based on senses alone. Personal knowledge. Natural laws lead to social engineering to secure a happy society. Comte. Mill. Spencer. Logical Positivism.
Robert II. 1316-90. First Stuart King of Scotland. 1371-.
Stuart. Family which ruled Scotland 1371-1714, England 1603-1714.
Stuart, Arabella. 1575-1615. Pretender to English throne. Died in Tower.
Stuart, Charles Edward. Charlie, Bonnie Prince.
Stuart, Esme. 1542-83. Planned rescue of Mary Queen of Scots. Exiled.
Stuart, Frances. 1648-1702. “Only true love” of Charles II of England.
Stuart, Henry. 1725-1807. Last Stuart claimant to English throne. Left family jewels to George IV.
Stuart, James. 1688-1766. “The Old Pretender”. Catholic Prince of Wales, claimant to British throne. Jacobites.
Utilitarianism. Good is the maximum good for the maximum number of people. Bentham. Mill. Spencer. Moore.
Vienna, Treaty. 1725. Spain, Austria pledge to aid Stuart restoration in England. 1738 Ends War of Polish Succession. 1809 =Schönbrunn Treaty. 1864 Denmark cedes Schleswig- Holstein to Prussia. 1866 Seven Weeks War. Austria cedes Venice to Italy.