17 matches to Shakespeare
Beethoven, Ludwig van. 1770-1827. German composer expressing emotions in music. Tone poet. Developed form and structure. “The Shakespeare of music”. 9 Symphonies. Eroica 1804. 5th 1807. 9th 1824.
Bermuda. 1511 Spain discovers. 1609 Shipwrecked British settle, inpiring Tempest. 1617-1834 Slavery. 1968 Autonomous British Colony. 1995 Referendum rejects independence.
Bowdler, Thomas. 1754-1825. English publisher of expurgated Family Shakespeare 1818.
Chikamatsu, Monzaemon. 1653-1724. Japanese playwright. “The Shakespeare of Japan”.
Donnelly, Ignatius. 1831-1901. US author. “Proved” Bacon wrote Shakespeare’s plays. Great Cryptogram 1888.
Globe Theatre. 1599-1644. Venue for Shakespeare’s plays, London.
Ireland, William. 1777-1835. English forger of Shakespeare manuscripts 1796.
Kean, Edmund. 1789-1833. English Shakespearean actor.
Lear. Mythological Celtic king. Shakespearean subject.
Malone, Edmund. 1741-1812. English Shakespearean scholar. Exposed W Ireland.
Marlowe, Christopher. 1564-93. English dramatist: Tamerlane 1586. Dr. Faustus 1588-92. Edward II. May have written some of Shakespeare.
Mermaid Tavern. 15C-1666. London meeting place of Shakespeare, Jonson, Donne et al.
Pushkin, Aleksandr. 1799-1837. Russian Romantic writer. Russia’s “Shakespeare”: Boris Gudonov 1825. Eugene Onegin 1823/4. Exiled 1821~6.
Rymer, Thomas. 1641-1713. English Neoclassical literary critic: attacked Shakespeare.
Schlegel, August von. 1767-1854. German Romantic scholar, Shakespeare translator.
Shakespeare, William. 1564-1616. English dramatic poet. Master of language, characters, perception.Titus Andronicus c1593. Romeo and Juliet c1594. Hamlet c1602. Othello c1604. King Lear c1606. Lover’s Complaint c1609. Sonnets 1609. Tempest 1611.
Vigny, Alfred de. 1797-1863. French Romantic writer. Shakespeare adaptations. Cinq-Mars 1826.