35 matches to Romanesque Architecture
Romanesque Architecture. 4-15C. Barrel vault. Plain. Massive piers. Masonry vaulting. Blend of Byzantine and Roman influences. Gothic.
Amiens Cathedral. 1220-1270. Romanesque/Gothic.
Burgundian. c1075-1125. Style of Romanesque architecture. Tall proportional.
Romanesque Art. 11-12C Powerful imagery, grand conception. Fused Byzantine, Teutonic, Roman.
St-Denis Basilica. 1137-44. Romanesque-Gothic transformation point. Burial place of French kings. Suger.
Anne. 1665-1714. British Queen 1702-. Reign notable for literarature, science, architecture. Last Stuart. Acts of Union, Settlement.
Art Nouveau. (Jugendstil). 1885-1910. Originally English style of art and architecture. Reaction to Industrial uniformity. Beardsley. Tiffany. Gaudi.
Baroque Art. 1600-1750. Orig in Italy, spread across W. Europe. Architecture: Ornate style characterized by stucco, frescoes, rood screens. Vanbrugh. Bernini’s Barberini Palace. Music: Counterpoint vs Renaissance polyphony. Opera, cantata. Bach. Monteverdi. Vivaldi. Painting: Dynamic, emotional. Caravaggio. Reni. Rubens.Van Dyck. Rococo.
Bauhaus. 1919-33. German art institute. ’Arts and sciences should cooperate in architecture’ -Gropius.
Byzantine Architecture. 330-600. Ecclesiastic style. Domes. Vaults. Hagia Sophia 537.
Classical. 500-300BC Greek Art. Idealized figure sculptures. Doric, Ionic, Corinthian architecture. Praxiteles. Roman Art. 1C BC-2C AD. Greek forms; added arch. Sculpture: realistic portraits, dramatic bas-relief.
Classicism. Art and architecture in imitation of Greek and Roman styles. Neoclassical.
Corinthian. Most recent style of Classical Greek Architecture. Acanthus leaves on column capital.
Decorated English Architecture. 1250-1375. Introduced lighting and shade effects. York Minster.
Doric. 7C BC. Order of Greek architecture. Baseless columns with square capitals.
Georgian Architecture. 1714-1830. Palladian, 1720-60. Adam, 1760-1800. Regency, 1810-37. Often red brick with white trim.
Gothic Architecture. 12-15C. Began with French cathedrals and spread over N Europe. Pointed arches, rib vaulting, flying buttresses. Stability achieved with balance rather than mass. Airy lightness. St. Denis 1140. Notre Dame Cathedral. Tudor.
International. 1920-. Style of architecture. Glass and steel. Gropius. Le Corbusier.
Jacobean Architecture. 1600-1625. English Tudor style refined, restrained and harmonized. U and H plans. Jones.
Neoclassical. 17-18C. French-originated revival of classical order of arts, architecture. Order, balance, simplicity. Poussin. David. Molière. Adam. 1920-. Music based on 18C style + popular taste. Milhaud. Stravinsky. Les Six.
Notre-Dame. Paris Cathedral. 1163-1345. Restored 1841. Prototype of all Gothic cathedrals.
Palladian. Classical Roman British architecture. 1615-35 and 1715-60. Inigo Jones. Palladio.
Palladio, Andrea. 1508-80. Italian architect. Reintroduced Roman symmetry and proportion to Venetian villas. Suspension Bridge 1550. Architecture 1570.
Perpendicular. c1350-1500. English Gothic architecture. Square and heavy materialistic design.
Pisano, Giovanni. c1254-1314. Italian Gothic sculptor, son of Nicola Perouse Fountain 1278. Pistoia Cathedral pulpit 1301. PIsa Cathedral pulpit 1302-10.