45 matches to Roman Empire
Actium, Battle. 31BC. Octavian defeats Antony to become sole ruler of Roman Empire.
Augsburg, Peace. 1555. Allowed both Lutheranism and Catholicism within Holy Roman Empire.
Augsburg League. 1686-9. Holy Roman Empire and allies vs France. Replaced by Grand Alliance.
Aulic Council. 1498-1806. Court of Holy Roman Empire. Derived from Maximilian’s personal council.
Austrian Empire. 1804-67. Slowly disintegrating last remnant of Holy Roman Empire.
Basel, Peace. 1499. Holy Roman Empire grants Swiss independence.
Brundisium, Treaty. 40BC. Antony rules east, Octavian rules west of Roman Empire.
Byzantine Empire. 395-1453. Eastern Roman Empire. Reduced by: 634 Caliphate Empire, 1042 Seljuks, 1204 Crusaders’ Latin Empire, 1453 Ottoman Empire.
Cambrai League. 1508-10. Holy Roman Empire, Aragon, France, Rome vs Venice.
Carolingians. French dynasty 751-987. Merovingians. Charlemagne. Holy Roman Empire.
Charlemagne. c742-814. King of France 768-. Restored Western Roman Empire, 800.
Crépy, Treaty. 1544. Ends 23 years of war between Holy Roman Empire and France.
Empire of the East. 286-1453. Eastern Roman Empire ruled from Byzantium. =Byzantine Emp.
Empire of the West. 286-476. Rome and Western part of Roman Empire. Ends 476, Romulus Augustulus deposed.
Empire of the West. 800-. State founded by Charlemagne, continued to 1806 as the Holy Roman Empire. Succeeded Roman Emperor of the West. Split Eastern kingdoms.
Gallas, Matthias. 1584-1647. General for Holy Roman Empire during Thirty Years War. Troops annihilated.
Gibbon, Edward. 1737-94. English historian. Decline and Fall of Roman Empire 1776-88.
Grand Alliance, War of. 1689-97. Spain, Sweden, England, Holy Roman Empire, Netherlands vs French expansionism. Negotiated Peace. King William’s War. Namur. Augsburg League.
Hapsburg. Dynasty ruled Austria 1278-1918, Spain 1516-1700, Holy Roman Empire 1273-1806, Netherlands. 1712-97, Hungary 1526~1918.
Hohenstaufen. German dynasty. Ruled Holy Roman Empire 1138-1254. Welfs.
Holy Roman Empire. 962-1806. Germanic Empire with elected king. Successor to Western Roman Empire. Geographically: Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Austria; most of Italy, Bohemia; part of France. Hapsburg. Austrian Empire.
Leo III, St. -816. Pope 795-. Crowned Charlemagne recreating Western Roman Empire.
Luxembourg. 1C BC Rome. 459 Franks. 963 Independent county «Holy Roman Empire. 1354 Duchy. 1443 Burgundy. 1472~1795 Hapsburg. 1555 Spanish. 1684 French. 1697 Spanish. 1714 Austrian. 1795 French. 1815 Dutch «German Confederation. 1839 Belgian(W)/Autonomous. 1867 Independent neutral. 1914-18, 1940-44 German occupation. 1948 Neutrality ends.
Montecuccoli, Raimondo. 1609-80. Italian Holy Roman Empire general. Defeated Turks 1664, French 1672-5.