30 matches to Norway
Canute. 994-1035. Firm, but wise King of England, Denmark, Norway. United England, Denmark. 1018.
Christian II. King of Denmark and Norway, 1513-23; Sweden, 1520-3. End of Kalmar Union. Stockholm bloodbath.
Denmark. 6C Viking. 9C Large kingdom + NE England. 10C United; + Norway. 1013-1042 + England. 12C + N Germany. 13C Civil war. 1340 Re-united. 1380 + Norway. 1388 -1523 + Sweden. 1720 Colonized Greenland. 1814 -Norway. 1815-64 +Schleswig, Holstein. WWI Neutral. 1920 +N Schleswig. WWII German occupation. 1944 -Iceland.
EFTA. European Free Trade Association. 1960. Free trade with EEC: Austria, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Switzerland. Until joining EEC: Denmark, Portugal, UK.
Frederick III. 1609-70. King of Norway and Denmark, 1648-. Lost much of territory to Sweden.
Frederick IV. 1671-1730. King of Norway and Denmark, 1699-. Abolished serfdom. Educational system.
Frederick VI. 1769-1839. King of Norway and Denmark, 1808-. Sided with Napoleon. Lost Norway to Sweden.
Haakon I. c914-61. Norwegian king c935-. Introduced Christianity to Norway.
Haakon VII. 1872-1957. King of Norway after separation from Sweden, 1905. In exile 1940-45.
Harald Blue Tooth. c910-985. First Christian Danish king c940-. Unified Denmark, conquered Norway.
Iceland. 9C Irish discover. 870 Norway colonized. 930 Althing. 1262 Norway. 1380 Denmark 1904 Home rule. 1918 Sovereignty. 1944 Republic.
Kalmar Union. 1397-1523. Denmark, Norway, Sweden. Established by Queen Margaret of Denmark.
Kiel, Treaty. 1814. Denmark cedes Norway to Sweden.
King’s Law. 1665. Justified Christian V’s Absolute Monarchy in Denmark + Norway.
Magnus I. The Good. 1024-47. King of Norway 1035-, Denmark 1042-, uniting them. Failed in claim to England.
Margaret. 1353-1412. Queen of Denmark, Norway, Sweden. Formed Kalmar Union 1397.
Margaret. Maid of Norway. 1283-90. Queen of Scotland 1286-. Betrothed to son of Edward I. Death led to England claiming Scotland, Civil War 1290-1314. Robert the Bruce.
NATO. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 1949- Collective defence alliance of Western European and North Atlantic countries to preserve democratic freedom. UK, Canada, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, US. 1952 Greece, Turkey, 1955 FRG. 1964 -Greece. 1966 -France. 1980 +Greece. 1982 +Spain. 1993 +France. 1999 +Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic. 2004 +Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia.
Nordic Council. 1953-. Denmark, Norway, Sweden. 1955 +Finland. Promotes cultural unity, reciprocal rights.
Norway. 872 United by Harald Fairhair. 1130- Civil wars. 1397 Danish. 1814 Swedish. 1905 Independent. 1940-45 Germans occupy.
Olaf I. c963-1000. King of Norway 995-. Began conversion to Christianity.
Olaf II. c995-1030. 1015-28. Converted Norway. Patron Saint. First National legislation.
Olaf V. 1903-91 King of Norway 1957-. Commanded army vs Germany in 1944, then fled to England.
Oscar I. 1799-1859. King of Norway and Sweden 1844-. Liberal reforms.
Suffrage, Women. 1893 New Zealand. 1902 Australia. 1906 Finland. 1913 Norway. 1915 Denmark. 1917 USSR. 1918 Canada. 1918/28 Britain. Reform Bills. 1920 US. 1971 Switzerland. 1976 Liechtenstein. Not yet in Arab countries. Wyoming.