70 matches to Love Generation
Love Generation. 1960-9. Term applied to hippies who rejected past values for instant pleasures of drugs and music.
Abélard, Pierre. 1079-c1144. French Conceptualist theologian of Notre-Dame. Advocated discussion vs dogma. Famed love of Héloïse. Accused of heresy 1121. Letters to Heloise 1103. Sic et Non 1132. Theologia.
Adonis. Beautiful youth, beloved of Aphrodite and Persephone, worshipped by the Phoenicians.
Aelfric. c955-1010. Anglo-Saxon writer. Love of the Saints.
Alexander. 1888-1934. Yugoslav King, 1921-. United Serbs, Croats, Slovenes as Yugoslavia 1929. Assassinated.
Amor. Roman god of love. =Eros. =Cupid.
Andromaque. Wife of Hector, model of conjugal and maternal love.
Aphrodite. Greek goddess of love and beauty, Roman Venus.
Armagnacs. Fought Burgundians for control of France through Charles VI regency 1395-1435. Arras.
Austria. 400BC Celts. 15BC Rome. 5-7C Huns, Avars ravage. 6C Slovenes settle 8C Charlemagne. 9C Magyar. 955 Otto I...962 HRE. 976 Babenberg(E). 1278 Hapsburg. 1453 Archduchy. 1804 Austrian Empire. 1867 Ausgleich. 1918 Republic. 1938 Germany. 1945 Republic. 1955 Independence from Allies.
Balkans. Inhabited c6000BC. 6C BC Illyria. 148BC Rome(Illyricum)(N). 285 Byzantine(E). 4-7C Goths, Avars, Huns, Ostrogoths, Lombards, Slavs, Bulgars, Serbs invade. 890 Bulgar Empire. 1159 Serbian empire. 1389 Ottoman. 1699 Austria(E,N)/Venice(S,W). 19C Eastern Question. Albania. Bosnia-Herzegovina. Bulgaria. Croatia. Greece. Macedonia. Montenegro. Romania. Serbia. Slovenia. Yugoslavia.
Berry, Jean, duc de. 1340-1416. Regent of France for Charles VI. Policies caused Peasants Revolt 1381-4. Patron of arts. Limburg.
Blest Gana. 1830-1920. Chilean novelist. Arithmetic of Love 1862.
Buchmanism. 1922-65. Christian revivalist movement stressing honesty, purity, love, unselfishness. =Moral Rearmament 1938. Oxford Group.
Callaghan, Morley. 1903-90. Canadian writer. Such is my Beloved 1934.
Cavalier Poets. 17C Royalists. Lovelace. Herrick.
Charles VI, the Well-beloved. 1368-1422. King of France 1380-. Insanity led to Civil War. Berry.
Chartists. 1836-58. British workers’ reform movement. Petitions 1838,40,48 for universal male suffrage, ballot vote led to riots 1839. Lovett.
Christianity. World’s largest religion, based on acts and teachings of Jesus Christ, believed to be Son of God. Emphasises love for all..
Christine de Pisan. c1364-1430. French poet. Love poems, ballads.
Cleopatra VII. 69-30BC. Queen of Egypt, lover of Caesar and Antony. Suicide.
Confucius. 551-479BC. Chinese philosopher and moralist. Advocated reason, love and respect for others over supernatural. Chinese Exam. Wu Ching.
Cupid. Roman god of love, son of Venus. = Eros.
Deirdre. Fled Ireland with her lover, who was killed by King Conchobar in old tale.
Elaine. Dies of love for Lancelot in Arthurian legend.