31 matches to Katyn Affair
Katyn Affair. 1940 massacre of Polish officers by Russian troops discovered 1943. Denied, blamed on Nazis. Ignored by Allies. Soviets admit responsibility, 1992.
Albert, Prince Consort. 1819-1861. Married Queen Victoria, 1840. Responsible for International exhibitions 1851, 62. Moderated Trent Affair.
Amistad Affair. 1841. Slaves mutiny on Spanish ship. Sail to US. Declared free by US court.
Brinvilliers, Marie. 1630-76. French poisoner, beheaded. Poisons Affair.
Cagliorosto. 1743-95. Italian charlatan in Louis XIV court. Diamond Necklace Affair.
Caroline Affair. 1837. Canadians destroy US vessel at Niagara for supplying rebels. Mackenzie.
Clinton, William J. 1946- US president 1993-2001. Impeached, acquitted over Lewinsky affair. Signed NAFTA. Raised taxes.
Daily Telegraph Affair. 1908. Unauthorized interview of Kaiser causes protests in Germany.
Diamond Necklace Affair. 1785. Necklace bought for Marie Antionette; not paid for. French Revolution.
Don Pacifico Affair. 1850. Britain siezes Greek ships. Causes international protest.
Gerry, Elbridge. 1744-1814. US statesman. XYZ Affair. 1812 Gerrymandering - drawing electoral boundaries to affect the outcome of an election.
Independents. Separatists. 17C English Christian sects believing that congregation should control its own affairs. Congregationalism. Puritans.
Isolationism. 19C-1916. US foreign policy of noninvolvement in foreign affairs.
La Voisin. Burned at the stake for selling “inheritance powder” (poison), 1680. Poisons Affair.
Leningrad Affair. 1948. Purge of Zhdanov associates by Stalin.
Liberty Affair. 1768. British sieze Hancock’s sloop ’Liberty’ smuggling wine to Boston.
Marvell, Andrew. 1621-78. English satirical poet. To His Coy Mistress. Poems on Affairs of State 1689.
Montespan, Mme de. 1641-1707. Mistress of Louis XIV, 1667-80. Poisons Affair.
Orsini Affair. 1858. Unsuccessful plot on Napoleon III led to his interest in Italian unity.
Poisons Affair. 1679. French scandal. Nobles using love potions and poisons from fortune tellers. Mme de Montespan implicated. La Voisin. Brinvilliers.
Profumo Affair. 1963. British War Minister Profumo and Christine Keeler, who also associated with Soviet attaché. Embarassed government.
Rohan, Prince de. 1734-1803. French cardinal duped in Diamond Necklace Affair.
Spanish Marriages, Affair of. 1846. Isabella’s sister, heir marries French prince, despite Spanish assurances, causing English/French rift.
Stavisky Affair. 1933-4. French scandal. Fraudulent bonds sold. Belief in government corruption causes riots.
Suzerainty. Authority over a state’s foreign affairs by another state.