465 matches to John III
John III. 1629-96. King of Poland 1674-. “Champion of Christendom” saved Vienna from Turks 1683.
John III. The Fortunate. 1502-57. King of Portugal 1521-. Instituted Inquisition.
Adams, John. 1735-1826. Revolutionary, 2nd US president 1797-1801.
Adams, John C. 1819-92. English discoverer of Neptune, 1845.
Adams, John Q. 1767-1848. US President 1825-9. Abolitionist.
Alcock, John. 1892-1919. First non-stop transatlantic flight, 1919, with Brown.
Alden, John. c1599-1687. Pilgrim father. Married Priscilla Mullens.
André, John. 1750-80. British officer in American Revolution. Conspired with Benedict Arnold.
Angry Young Men. 1950s British writers. Irreverence for establishment. Amis, Wain, Osborne.
Anti-Corn Law League. 1839-46. Cobden and Bright’s pacifist movement for Free Trade, public education, against social reform and Chartists. Corn Laws.
Appleseed, Johnny. (Chapman). 1774-1845. US nurseryman. Gave seedlings to pioneers.
Arthur I. 1187-1203. Duke of Brittany. Claimant to English throne. Defeated by John I.
Astor, John. 1763-1848. German/US fur magnate.
Audubon, John. 1785-1851. US ornitholigist, artist. Birds of America.
Baird, John. 1888-1946. Scot. Invented television 1926.
Ball, John. -1381. English priest. Led Peasants Revolt. Executed. Tyler.
Balliol, John. c1249-1315. King of Scotland 1292-6. Defeated, deposed by Edward I.
Bardeen, John. 1908-91. US developer of transistor 1948 with Shockley. . BCS superconductivity 1957.
Baroque Art. 1600-1750. Orig in Italy, spread across W. Europe. Architecture: Ornate style characterized by stucco, frescoes, rood screens. Vanbrugh. Bernini’s Barberini Palace. Music: Counterpoint vs Renaissance polyphony. Opera, cantata. Bach. Monteverdi. Vivaldi. Painting: Dynamic, emotional. Caravaggio. Reni. Rubens.Van Dyck. Rococo.
Bartlett, John. 1820-1905. US compiler of Familiar Quotations 1855.
Behaviourism. 1913. Actions are response to physical stimuli. Skinner. Watson. Pavlov.
Benét, Stephen. 1898-1943. US poet, writer. Devil and Daniel Webster 1937. John Brown’s Body 1928.
Bible. Hebrew and Christian sacred scriptures translated from Hebrew and Aramaic. 3C BC Greek translation. 1382 Wycliffe, Rogers, English. 1522-34 Luther, German. 1611 King James version. Vulgate by St. Jerome. Apocrypha.
Biddle, John. 1615-62. Founded Unitarianism. 12 Arguments 1644.
Birch, John. -1945. US missionary killed in China. Cold War hero of John Birch Society.