150 matches to Henry IV
Catholic League. 1576-93. Opposed Henry IV and Huguenots. Holy Leagues.
Clarence, Duke of. 1449-78. Conspired vs brother Henry IV. Executed.
Clement III. Antipope 1080-1100 appointed by Henry IV. Defeated Rome 1084.
Estrées, Gabrielle d’. 1573-99. Mistress of French Henry IV.
Gregory VII (Hildebrand), St. 1020-85. Pope 1073-. Condemned lay investiture 1075. Henry IV appoints Anti-Pope Clement III, attacked Rome, 1081-3.
Henry IV. 1050-1106. Holy Roman Emperor, 1056-. Civil War. Struggles with Gregory VII led to excommunication. Worms Synod. Clement III.
Henry IV. 1366-1413. Rebelled vs Richard II. King of England 1399-. Consolidated government. First Lancaster.
Henry IV. of Navarre. 1553-1610. King of France 1589-. Converted to Catholicism. Edict of Nantes protected Protestant rights. ’Reign of Rebuilding’. Assassinated by Ravaillac. Margaret of France.
Investiture Controversy. 1075-1122. Gregory VII abolished Holy Roman Emperor’s power to invest bishops. Led to war with Henry IV. Concordat of Worms.
Lancaster. 1399~1471. Dynasty ruling England. Henry IV to VI. War of Roses.
Margaret of France. 1553-1615. Marriage to Henry IV anulled due to promiscuity. Mémoires.
Marie de Medici. 1573-1642. Queen consort to Henry IV, mother of Louis XIII. Regent 1610-14. Built Luxembourg Palace. Opposed Richelieu. Banished 1630. Died penniless.
Mortimer. English royal family. Edmund’s royal marriage 14C led to 15C Yorkist claims vs Henry IV. Edward IV.
Nantes, Edict. 1598. Tolerance of Protestant faith by Henry IV. Revoked by Louis XIV, 1685 driving Huguenots from France.
Neville, Ralph. 1364-1425. Aided Henry IV vs Richard II. Grandfather of Edward IV and Richard III.
Ravaillac, Francois. 1578-1610. Assassin of Henry IV. Quartered.
Sully, duc de. 1560-1641. French Finance minister to Henry IV. Helped rebuild France after Wars of Religion.
Tour d’Argent. Paris restaurant where Henry IV learned the use of the fork.
Vendôme Column. Paris. 1805. Has had statues of Napoleon as Caesar, Henry IV, a Fleur-de-lys, Napoleon in uniform, and now a copy of the original.
Worms, Synod. 1076. Called by Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV to depose Pope Gregory VII. 1122 Concordat of Worms.
Aldrich, Henry. 1647-1710. English composer/architect: Peckwater Quad, Oxford, 1707-14.
Amiens, Treaty. 1527. Henry VIII, Francis I ally vs Charles V. 1802. England, France, Spain, Holland end French Revolutionary Wars. Britain cedes captured territory, gains Ceylon, Trinidad.
Anarchism. 19C Philosophy: “Every man should be his own government, his own law, his own church”-Owen. Thoreau’s return to nature, passive resistance, and no taxes influenced Ghandi. Proudhon. Tolstoy. Godwin.
Anne of Cleves. 1515-57. Fourth wife of Henry VIII. Divorced.
Bacon, Henry. 1866-1924. US classical revival architect. Lincoln Memorial 1911.