98 matches to Gold Coast
Ghana. 1957 Gold Coast + British Togoland =Ghana. 1960 Republic. 1981 Dictator.
Gold Coast. 1481 Portugal. 1642 Dutch. 1874 Britain. 1957 Independent +British Togoland = Ghana.
Nkrumah, Kwame. 1909-72. Gold Coast/Ghana Prime Minister 1952-60, President 60-66.
Togo. 17-19C Slave trade. 1884 German protectorate = Togoland. 1920 British(W)/ French(E) League of Nations mandate. 1957 British Togo +Gold Coast = Independent Ghana. 1960 French Togo independent = Togo.
Aeëtes. Greek. Medea’s father. Guardian of Golden Fleece.
Alchemy. Magic art of Egyptian origin attempting to transmute metals, esp lead to gold. Based on belief that all metals are a pure base metal + impurities which the philosopher’s stone can remove.
Amritsar. 1577 Sikh. 1761 Golden Temple destroyed; rebuilt 1764. 1849 India.
Andrew II. 1175-1235. King of Hungary, 1202-. Signed Golden Bull.
Argonauts. Greek heroes who pursued the golden fleece.
Basil I. 813-886. Byzantine Emperor, 867-. Defeated Arabs. New Golden Age. Founded Macedonian dynasty.
Black Friday. Sept 24, 1869. Fisk corners gold. US market collapses.
Brétigny, Treaty (Calais). 1360. After Poitiers defeat, French John II ransomed for 3M gold crowns; Aquitaine to England.
Bryan, William Jennings. 1860-1925. US Democrat vs Gold Standard. Scopes prosecutor.
Cellini, Benvenuto. 1500-71. Florentine Mannerist sculptor, goldsmith. Saltcellar of Francis I 1543. Autobiography 1561.
Depression. 1873-96. Caused by gold shortage, agricultural shortage, overspeculation, deflation.
Dmitri. 1350-89. Moscow prince defeats Golden Horde 1380.
El Dorado. 16C Legendary city of gold in S America.
Éloi, St. c588-660. Treasurer to Clotaire II and Dagobert. Goldsmith.
Emboabas, War. 1708-9. New settlers vs old in Brazil gold rush.
Field of Cloth of Gold. 1520. Kings of France and England meet near Calais to propose alliances.
Fisk, James. 1834-72. Flamboyant US financier. Attempt to corner gold market led to Black Friday 1869.
Francis I. 1494-1547. French king 1515-. Vs Charles V. Prosecuted Protestants. Began exploration, colonization. Field of Cloth of Gold.
Gold Rush. 1550 Bohemia. 1849 California. 1851 Australia. 1880s Rhodesia. 1886 South Africa. 1897 Klondike.
Gold Standard. 1821-1937. Definition of national currencies in terms of gold purchasing power. Ended: 1931 Britain, 1933 USA, 1936 France. Friedman. Bretton Woods.
Golden Age. Peaceful period of man’s innocence. Greek equivalent of Eden.