43 matches to Five Pecks of Rice
Five Pecks of Rice. 206-20. Chinese Taoist political movement vs poverty, instability.
China. T’ang(leg). Yü (leg). c1994BC Hsia. c1500 Shang. c1027 Chou. 481 Warring States. 221 Ch’in. 202BC Han. 220 AD Three Kingdoms. 265 Chin. 386 Northern Dyn(N)/420 Southern Dyn(S). 581 Sui rebuild. 618 T’ang. 10C Five dyn/Ten kingdoms. 960 Sung. 1279 Yüan (Mongol). 1368 Ming. 1644 Ch’ing (Manchu). 1912 Republic. 1938-44 Japanese occupation. 1949 People’s Republic.
Clarendon Code. 1661-5. Suppressed religious dissent in England. Five Mile Act.
Five Dynasties. 907-60. China between T’ang and Sung dynasties. Upheaval stimulated arts. Art to represent metaphysical truth.
Five Hundred, Council of. 508BC. Athens’ representative government.
Five Hundred, Council of. 1795. Lower House of French Parliament.
Five Mile Act. 1665. English Nonconformist clergy banned 5 miles from towns where they had preached.
Five Year Plans. 1928- Russian planning cycles.
Legion of Honour. French national order instituted by Napoleon, 1802. Five ranks: Grands Croix, Grands Officiers, Commandeurs, Officiers, Chevaliers.
New Economic Policy. 1921-8. Russian economic program. Limited free enterprise. Replaced by Five Year Plans.
Ninety-five Theses. 1517. Document Luther nailed to Wittenburg church door. Began Reformation.
Schoenberg, Arnold. 1874-1951. Austrian/US pioneer of atonal twelve-note method-key to recent musical advances. Five Piano Pieces 1923.
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. 1922-. US satirical novelist, social critic. Player Piano 1952. Slaughterhouse Five 1969.
Barrès, Maurice. 1862-1923. French writer, politician. la Colline inspirée 1913.
Beatrice. c1265-90. Florentine woman immortalized by Dante.
Chevalier, Maurice. 1888-1972. French singer and actor. Innocents of Paris 1929.
Corn Laws. 1804-15. British agricultural price support. Repeal, 1846, marks transformation from agricultural to industrial priorities and free trade.
Deflation. Rapid fall in prices.
Denis, Maurice. 1870-1943. French religious painter.
Duplessis, Maurice. 1890-1959. Canadian founder Union Nationale party. Quebec Prime Minister 1936~59.
Inflation. General rise of prices of goods and services.
La Tour, Maurice de. 1704-88. French portraitist. Influenced by Caravaggio.
Lumumba, Patrice. 1925-61. Congo independence leader. First Prime Minister of Zaire 1960-. Deposed, murdered.
MacMahon, Patrice de. 1808-93. French Marshal. Crushed Commune. President 1873-79.
Maeterlinck, Maurice. 1862-1949. Belgian Symbolist poet/playwright. Pelléas et Mélisande 1892.