54 matches to Constitution
Albania. Balkans. 3-5C Visigoth, Huns invade. 6-7C Bulgars, Serbs, Slavs invade.12-15C Bulgar, Norman, Angevin, Serb, Venice contest.15C Ottoman. 1912 Independent republic. 1928 Monarchy (Zog). 1939 Italy occupies. 1945 Communist (Hoxha). 1961 Left Warsaw Pact. 1991 Democratic Constitution.
Andorra. Ibericbasc. Greeks/Carthaginians/Romans/Visigoths 8C Muslim. 803 Charlemagne. 1133 Bishop of Urgell. 1159 Fiefdom of Foix. 1278- Principality under joint French, Spanish suzerainty. 1993 Constitution. Coprincipality.
Apostolic Constitutions. c380BC. Books of ecclesiastic law.
Articles of Confederation. 1781-9. First US Constitution.
Bagehot, Walter. 1826-77. English social scientist/ essayist. The English Constitution 1867. Physics and Politics 1872. Lombard St. 1873.
Bleeding Kansas. 1854-59. Antislavery vs Slavery advocates for control of Kansas. Wyandotte Constitution.
Cadiz, Constitution. 1812-13. Limited monarchy.
Cadiz Uprising. 1820. C. Constitution reimplemented.
Cánovas, Antonio. 1828-97. Spanish premier. Helped restore Alfonso XIII. Wrote constitution.
Catt, Carrie. 1859-1947. US feminist leader. 19th Amendment.
Charter. 1814-1830. French Constitution: Constitutional Monarchy, civil liberties, religious toleration.
Clarendon Constitution. 1164. Henry II limits church power in England. Opposed by Becket.
Cleisthenes. Athenian. First democratic constitution 509BC. Introduced ostracism.
Connecticut Compromise. 1787 Constitutional Convention. Bicameral US Congress.
Constitution. 1797. US warship Old Ironsides.
Constitution, US. 1787. Effective 1789. Defines government, liberties, basic laws. Amendments I-X 1791 Bill of Rights. XIII 1865 Abolishes slavery. XVIII 1919 Prohibition. XIX 1920 Women suffrage. XXI 1933 Repeals Prohibition. XXVI 1971 Voting age 18.
Constitutional Convention. 1787. Philadelphia. Amended Articles of Confederation. Constitution.
Continental Congress. 1774-89. US Government until Constitution approved. Proclaimed Declaration of Independence.
February Manifesto. 1899-1905. Override of Finnish Constitution. Rule by Czar’s Edict. Russification 1890-1905.
Frankfurt Assembly. 1848-9. Adopted constitution, basis of North German Confederation 1867.
Frederick VII. 1808-63. Danish king 1848-. Formed Constitutional Monarchy.
George II. 1683-1760. King of Great Britain and Ireland 1727-. Weakness led to constitutional monarchy.
Greece. c3000BC Minoan(Crete). c1500BC Achaean. 11C Aeolian, Ionian. c1100 Dorian. 683 Athens monarchy. 404 Sparta. 371 Thebes. 338 Macedonia...Alexander. 197BC Rome...Byzantine. 1453 AD Ottoman. 1829 Independent kingdom. 1912 +Crete. 1924 Republic. 1935 Constitutional Monarchy. 1973 Republic. 1981 EEC. 1994 EU.
Humble Petition. 1657. English Constitution of Protectorate. Cromwell as Lord Protector.
Instrument of Government. 1653-7. First written constitution in Europe. Established Protectorate in England. Humble Petition.