67 matches to Compromise of 1850
Compromise of 1850. Acts to prevent secession of US slave states.
Douglas, Stephen. 1813-61. US politician. Compromise of 1850. Popular Sovereignty. Lost presidential campaign to Lincoln.
Breda Compromise. 1566. Dutch petition against Inquisition. Dutch Revolt -1579.
Buchanan, James. 1791-1868. US President 1857-61. Compromise policy failed to avert civil war.
Clay, Henry. 1777-1852. “Great Pacificator”. US statesman. Missouri Compromise.
Connecticut Compromise. 1787 Constitutional Convention. Bicameral US Congress.
Dred Scott. 1857. US Supreme Court ruled slaves had no rights in court. Missouri Compromise invalid.
Lebanese National Pact. 1943-75. Compromise government of Maronite President, Sunni Prime Minister, Shi’ite Speaker.
Monroe, James. 1758-1831. US President 1817-25. Florida acquired 1819. Missouri Compromise. Monroe Doctrine.
Nagodba Compromise. 1868. Croatia recognized, but confirmed as part of Hungary.
Nicholas of Flue, St. 1417-87. Model of compromise, reunited Swiss, 1481.
Artigas, José. 1764-1850. Uruguay revolutionary leader. “Father of Uruguayan independence”.
Auto-da-fé. (Act of Faith). 1481-1850. Sentencing ceremony of Inquisition.
Balzac, Honoré de. 1799-1850. French novelist of social injustice: Comedie Humaine 1829-48.
Barye, Antoine. 1795-1875. French sculptor of simplicity, energy. Jaguar devouring a hare 1850.
Bauer, Sebastian. 1822-75. Invented submarine, 1850. First underwater photography.
Bellamy, Edward. 1850-98. US Utopian novelist. Looking Backward 2000-1887, 1888.
Bernstein, Eduard. 1850-1932. German anti-militant Socialist. Founded Fabians.
Cabrini, St. Frances Xavier. 1850-1917. First American saint.
California. 1542 Spain. 1769 Spanish colonize. Serra. 1822 Mexico. 1848 US. 1850 State.
Chaykovsky, Nikolai. 1850-1926. Russian Socialist. Opposed Bolsheviks. Led counterrevolutionary government 1918-20.
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. 1850-1901. US-British agree not to colonize Central America. Panama Canal.
Clearance of Scottish Highlands. 1790-1850. Increased sheep farming displaces tenant crofters.
Davis, William. 1850-1934. US geologist. Effect of erosion.
Dickens, Charles. 1812-1870. English popular humanitarian writer and social critic. Created original, colorful memorable characters. Pickwick Papers 1837. Oliver Twist 1838. Christmas Carol 1843. David Copperfield 1850. Great Expectations 1861.