30 matches to Coca Cola
Coca Cola. Invented by Pemberton 1886.
Pemberton, John. 1831-88. US pharmacist. Coca Cola 1886.
Agricola, G. J. 40-93. Roman governor who subdued Britain.
Agricola, Johann. 1494-1566. German Protestant reformer and Antinomianist.
Appert, Nicolas. c1752-1841. French inventor of preservation by canning.
Aristarchus. 310-230BC. Samos. First to postulate sun as center of solar system. Accused of impiety. Copernicus.
Bellarmine, St. Robert. 1542-1621. Italian Jesuit defender of RC church vs Protestantism, Copernican theory, heretics. Galileo.
Boileau, Nicolas. 1636-1711. French writer: Satires 1658.
Bruno, Giordano. 1548-1600. Italian Copernican philosopher opposed to dogma. Burned as heretic.
Ceausescu, Nicolae. 1918-89. Repressive Romanian dictator, 1965-. Advocated independence from USSR and western ties. Economic policy led to food, energy shortages. Overthrown and executed.
Chocolate. 1519 Cortes brings to Spain 1657 first Chocolate House. 1847 Fry: bars. 1875 Peter: Milk Chocolate.
Copernicus, Nicolaus. 1473-1543. Polish astronomer, who demonstrated planetary motion around sun 1528. De Revolutionibus. Aristarchus. Galileo.
Fouquet, Nicolas. 1615-80. Finance Minister to Louis XIV. Imprisoned for embezzlement after a 3 year trial at The Arsenal 1661-4.
Galileo Galilei. 1564-1642. Italian physicist. Planetary motion. Thermometer 1592. Acceleration of falling bodies 1604. Astronomical telescope 1609. Sunspots 1610. Arrested for heliocentricity, 1632. Rehabilitated by Vatican 1992. Copernicus.
Heliocentricity. Revolution of the earth around the sun. Once considered heretical. Galileo. Copernicus.
Hershey, Milton. 1857-1945. US chocolate maker and philanthropist.
Lancret, Nicolas. 1690-1743. French painter of light comic scenes.
Ledoux, Claude Nicolas. 1736-1806. French Neoclassical architect. Tollhouses.
Louis XIV Style. 1638-1715. Rich decoration as at Versailles. Poussin. Le Nôtre.
Neoclassical. 17-18C. French-originated revival of classical order of arts, architecture. Order, balance, simplicity. Poussin. David. Molière. Adam. 1920-. Music based on 18C style + popular taste. Milhaud. Stravinsky. Les Six.
Oecolampadius, Johannes. 1482-1531. German Reformation theologian. Drafted Confession of Basel 1531.
Pisano, Giovanni. c1254-1314. Italian Gothic sculptor, son of Nicola Perouse Fountain 1278. Pistoia Cathedral pulpit 1301. PIsa Cathedral pulpit 1302-10.
Pisano, Nicola. 1220-84. Founded school of sculpture at Pisa. Influenced Renaissance. Pisa Baptistery pulpit 1255-60.
Poussin, Nicolas. 1594-1665. French Neoclassical painter. Strong pictorial emotional works. Arcadian Shepherds 1638/55. Rape of the Sabines 1636-7.
Ptolemy. c140. Alexandrian. First cartographer. Promoted Hipparchus’ geocentric theory of solar system. Copernicus. Columbus studied his Geography.