185 matches to Chinese Examination System
Chinese Examination System. 124BC-1905. Civil service exams testing knowledge of Confucius.
Abdul Rahman, Tunku. 1903-90. First Prime Minister of independent Malaya 1957-70. United Malay, Chinese, Indian factions.
Achinese War. 1873-1904. Dutch defeat Moslems in Sumatra.
Acupuncture. 2500BC.- Chinese treatment with needles.
Autumn Harvest Uprising. 1927. Failed Chinese peasant revolt led by Mao.
Borneo. 7C BC Indian influence. 3C BC-15C Chinese inf. 3C-15C Funan/Khmer, Malacca, Srivijaya, Majapahit. 15C Moslem. 16C- European inf. 19C Dutch(S)/Eng(N). WWII Japan occupies. Brunei. Malaysia. Indonesia.
Boxer Rebellion. 1900. Massacre of ‘foreign devils’ by Chinese led to reprisals and Peking Protocol.
Boxers. 1896-1901. Chinese secret Society of Harmonious Fists vs foreigners. B Rebellion.
Buck, Pearl S. 1892-1973. US novelist of Chinese life. Good Earth 1931.
Burlingame, Treaty. 1868. US/Chinese friendship. Authorized Chinese immigration to US.
Burning of the Books. 213BC. Chinese censorship. To erase all history before reign of Shih Huang-ti.
Celestial Empire. Chinese Empire.
Chang Ch’ien. -114BC. Chinese explorer to India, Bactria.
Ch’ang O. Chinese moon goddess.
Chiang Ch’ing. 1914-91. Chinese radical. Mao’s wife. Gang of Four.
Chiang Kai-shek. 1887-1975. Chinese Kuomintang leader 1928-. In Taiwan 1949-.
Chinese Civil War. 184 Yellow Turban Rebellion. 1622- Red Hat Rebellion. 1946-9 Communists rebel vs Kuomintang. People’s Republic established.
Chinese Exclusion Acts. 1882-1943. Banned Chinese immigration to US. Asian 1924-.
Chinese Revolution. 1911. Manchu dynasty replaced by a republic. Sun Yat Sen.
Chinoiserie. 17-18C. European interpretation of Chinese style of art, decoration.
Chou En-lai. 1898-1976. Chinese moderate Communist Prime Minister 1949-.
Chu Hsi. 1130-1200. Chinese Neo-Confucian. Four Books 1189. Individual goodness can be brought out by study of the classics.
Chu Teh. 1886-1976. Commander-in-Chief of Chinese Red Army. Long March.
Chuang-tzu. 4C Chinese Taoism interpreter.
Clocks. 3500BC Gnomon. 2000BC Chinese. 8C BC sundial 4C BC Greek water clock. 300BC hemispherical sundial 160BC Rome. 12C mechanical. 1379 de Vick. 1657 Huygens pendulum.