50 matches to Capital Punishment
Beccaria, Cesare. 1738-94. Italian writer. Treatise on Crime and Punishment 1764. Influenced 19C penal reform and capital punishment.
Capital Punishment. Abolished: 1863 Venezuela; 1870 Netherlands; 1877 Costa Rica; 1949 Germany; 1965 Britain; 1969 Vatican City; 1972 US (reinstated 1976); 1976 Canada; 1981 France; (96 countries). Retained: Iran, Iraq, N Korea, USA (95 countries).
Evans, Timothy. -1953. Wrongful hanging led to abolition of capital punishment in Britain.
Antioch. 300BC Seleucus I founds. 64BC Rome. First reference to disciples as Christians c42. 540 Persia. 637 Moslem. 10-11C Syrian capital. 969 Byzantine. 1098 Crusader State. 1268 Egypt. 1517 Ottoman. 1920 Syria. 1939 Turkey.
Athens. 3000BC. 6C BC growth. 5C decline. 4C Macedonia (aut). 27 BC Rome. 1458 Ottoman. 1834 Greek capital.
Babylon. 40C BC. Capital of Babylonia. Peak 7-6C BC.
Beirut. 20C BC Phoenicia. 15BC Rome. 635 Moslem. 1110 Crusaders. 1187 Saladin. 1516 Ottoman. 1291 Mameluk. 1920 Capital of Lebanon. 1975-90 Lebanese Civil War.
Berlin. Capital of: 1701 Prussia. 1871 Germany. 1949 German Democratic Republic. 1990 Germany.
Capitalism. System of private ownership of property and industry for profit. Free enterprise. Smith.
Chesterton, G.K. 1874-1936. English satirical essayist/novelist: Napoleon of Notting Hill 1904. “Socialism aims to take capital out of the hands of the few and put it into the hands of the fewer-the politicians.”
Clovis I. 465-511. Salian Frankish king 481-. Conquered N Gaul. Baptized at Reims. Moved capital to Paris in 506. First Merovingian king of France.
Colchester. Pre-Roman Belgic capital. First Roman settlement in Britain.
Constantine I. 274-338. Roman Emperor 306-, established Christianity as official religion. Moved capital to Constantinople. United state and church.
Corinthian. Most recent style of Classical Greek Architecture. Acanthus leaves on column capital.
Corporate State. Mussolini economic system. Capitalist elements in state controlled economy.
Cultural Revolution. 1966-9. Mao’s Red Guards purge China of bourgeois, capitalist elements.
Delhi. 1192 Moslems build. 1638 Mogul capital. 1739 Persians sack, take Peacock Throne. 1803 Britain.
Depression, Great. 1929-34. Speculation, shortage of capital, tarrifs led to unemployment, European move to right, totalitarianism.
Dialectical Materialism. Exploited workers...capital concentration...socialist revolution...dictatorship of proletariat...elimination of class...Communism. Hegel. Marx. Engels. Lenin.
Doric. 7C BC. Order of Greek architecture. Baseless columns with square capitals.
Florence. c200BC Etruscan. 59BC Rome. 1198 Independent rep. 1434 Medici. 1532 + Tuscany. 1860 Italy (1865-70 capital).
Free Enterprise. Capitalist economic doctrine of a market free from government control.
Friedman, Milton. 1912-. Monetarist economist. Demand is mainly a function of money supply. Keynes. Laissez-faire. Capitalism and Freedom 1962.
Guernica. Spanish Basque capital bombed by Germans for Franco, 1937. Euzkadi. Picasso. Spanish Civil War.
Ile de la Cité, Paris. Originally Lutetia 250BC. Renamed by Clovis, 506, when he made it his capital.