6 matches to Cambridge Platonists
Cambridge Platonists. 17C. Tried to synthesize Plato and Christianity. Christian Humanists.
Cambridge Agreement. 1629. Allowed Puritans to manage Massachussets Bay Company.
Henry VI. 1421-71. King of England and France 1422-61, 70-1. Founded King’s College Cambridge, Eton. Lost France except Calais. Weakness led to War of Roses. Deposed.
Hobson, Tobias. Cambridge innkeeper who offered no choice of hired horse. -“Hobson’s choice”.
Peterhouse. 1284. First Cambridge college.
Universities. 968 Cordova. 9C Salerno. 1116 Bologna. 12C Oxford. 1209 Cambridge. 1215 Paris. 1636 Harvard.