3 matches to Burns
Burns, Robert. 1759-96. Scottish national poet: Auld Lang Syne, Comin’ Through the Rye. Kilmarnock Edition 1786.
Luther, Martin. 1483-1546. German Christian reformer opposed to indulgences. Wittenberg. -’Even if heaven and hell do not exist, education is important’ Justification by faith alone. Melanchthon. 95 Theses 1517. Treatise on Christian Liberty. New Testament translated to vernacular 1522. Catechisms 1529. Canticles 1533. Excommunicated 1520, burns Papal Bull. Choral composer: moral effects of music.
Rayburn, Sam. 1882-1961. US Democratic Speaker of House. 48 yrs. in House of Representatives.