9 matches to Bubonic Plague
Yersin, Alexander. 1863-1943. Swiss/French. Developed serum for bubonic plague.
Black Death. Bubonic Plague.
Crusades. 1095-1272. European Christian wars to regain Holy Land after Seljuk Turks take Jerusalem in 1072. Literature and the arts benefitted from Eastern cultural infusion. Peasants 1096. Annihilated. First. 1096-99. Genoa financed Godfrey of Bouillon to recapture Jerusalem. Only successful crusade. Second. 1147-49. Louis VII and Conrad III pillage Byzantium. Third. 1189-92. Richard I and Philip II Truce with Saladin allows access to Jerusalem. Fourth. 1202-4. French and Flemish nobles conquer, sack Constantinople, form Latin Empire. Childrens. 1212. Stephen of Cloyes led 30,000 unarmed French youths. Nicholas of Cologne led 20,000 German. All died or enslaved. Fifth. 1218-21. John of Brienne in Egypt. Sixth. 1228-29. Frederick II crowned king of Jerusalem. Seventh. 1248-54. St Louis of France captured by Egypt and ransomed. Eighth. 1270. St Louis dies of plague. Ninth. 1271-2. Prince Edward of England.
Kitasato, Shibasaburo. 1852-1931. Japanese. Discovered tetanus antitoxin 1890, plague bacillus 1894.
Labourers, Statute. 1351. Parliament’s freezing of rising wages after plague leads to Peasants Revolt.
Oberammergau. 1634- Passion play every ten years commemorates plague of 1633.
Plague. 429-425BC Athens. 33% died. 1347-53 Europe. (Black Death). Killed 25-50% population. 1603~65 England. 1720 Provençe. 1710 Scandinavia. 1894 China, Hong Kong. 100,000 died, 10M around world.
Whittington, Richard. 1358-1423. London Lord Mayor. Legend of merchant selling his cat for fortune to rat- plagued Moroccan ruler, he marries merchant’s daughter, becomes Lord Mayor.