14 matches to Best
Banting, Frederick. 1891-1941. Canadian physician: discovered insulin with Best, MacLeod, 1921.
Bellier, Catherine. (One-Eyed Kate). Amply rewarded for bestowing her favours on 16 yr. old Louis XIV.
Best, Charles. 1899-1978. Canadian. insulin discoverer. Banting.
Commonwealth. Organized community by consent of governed. Hobbes. Locke.
Crosby, Bing. 1904-77. US singer and actor. White Christmas-best selling record until 1998.
Determinism. All events pre-determined. No free will. Hobbes.
Epiphenomenalism. Mind exists only as a process within the physical system of matter. Cannot exist without it. Hobbes.
Hobbes, Thomas. 1588-1679. English Materialist Determinist philosopher. Nominalist. Royalist. Good is that which brings pleasure; evil, pain. Mind is the result of physical activity in the brain. Elements of Law 1640. Leviathan 1651.
MacLeod, J.J.R. 1876-1935. Scotland. Discovered insulin with Banting, Best.
Materialism. All nature is describable as moving particles. Mind is the result of physical activity in the brain. Büchner. Diderot. Hobbes. Marx. Epicureans.
Nominalism. Philosophy. Abstractions do not exist. Things are their names. Vs Realists. Aristotle. Roscelin. Hobbes.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. 1712-78. Swiss Enlightenment philosopher and writer. Began Romantic Movement. Stimulated French and American Revolutions. On Equality 1753. Social Contract 1762 influenced French Revolution (offended authorities), Confessions 1782. Man is prevented from being free only by society and cold science. Goodness and bounty of nature. Goodness of man. Advocates direct democracy at City-State level and dictatorship above. Sovereignty rests with people. General will aims at best for all.
Social Contract. Hobbes political philosophy. Compact between ruler and ruled. Locke.
Spencer, Herbert. 1820-1903. English evolutionist philosopher. “Survival of the fittest.” Associationism. Anti-socialism, “Best government is the least government.” The Synthetic Philosophy 1860-96. Liberal Utilitarianism.