1545 matches to Bertha of the Big Foot
Bertha of the Big Foot. -783. Mother of Charlemagne.
Aaron. c14C BC. Old Testament. Brother of Moses. Later his rival.
Abélard, Pierre. 1079-c1144. French Conceptualist theologian of Notre-Dame. Advocated discussion vs dogma. Famed love of Héloïse. Accused of heresy 1121. Letters to Heloise 1103. Sic et Non 1132. Theologia.
Abjuration, Act. 1581. Dutch declaration of independence from Spain. Republic 1588.
Abraham. c2000BC. Old Testament father of Jewish, Arab peoples. Sarah. Hagar.Ishmael.
Acre. 1450BC- Egypt/ Assyria/ Persia/ Macedonia. 336BC Alexander...Egypt. 1C Rome. 614 Persia. 638 Moslem. 969 Egypt. 1079 Seljuk. 1099 Crusaders. 1104 Jerusalem. 1187 Saladin. 1191 Crusaders. 1291 Mameluks. 1517 Turks. 1918 British. 1948 Israel.
Acropolis. Elevated portion of Greek cities for protection and worship. Athens 2000BC.
Acts of the Apostles. c70-90. Luke’s history of early Christian church.
Adad. Babylonian, Assyrian weather god.
Adelard of Bath. 1090-c1150. English mathematician/translator introduced Arabic numerals.
Aditi. Hindu goddess, mother of Krsna and Vishnu.
Adonis. Beautiful youth, beloved of Aphrodite and Persephone, worshipped by the Phoenicians.
Adventists. US religious sect that believes in the imminent second coming of Christ.
Aeëtes. Greek. Medea’s father. Guardian of Golden Fleece.
Aegeus. King of Athens. Theseus’ father. Suicide.
Aegospotami. 405BC. Naval battle, ends Peloponnesian War. Victory of Lysander vs Athens.
Aelfric. c955-1010. Anglo-Saxon writer. Love of the Saints.
Aeolus. Greek king (later, god) of the winds.
Aeschylus. 524-456BC. Founded Greek tragic drama. Introduced 2nd actor, reduced chorus. Prometheus Bound. Seven Against Thebes, 467.
Aetolian League. 4-2C BC. Confederation of Greek city states, led by Thebes.
Afghanistan. c200BC Aryan. 6C BC Achaemenid. 330 Alexander...Seleucid/ Maurya. 2C BC Persia/ India/ Parthia/ Kushan. 7C Arab (NW). 750 Persia (W)/ Hindu (E). 1219 Mongol...Timurid. 1525 Mogul. 1737 Persia. 1747 Monarchy. 19 C Britain/Russia dispute 1880 British suzerainty. 1919 Independent. 1973 Marxist coup, Republic. 1978 Communist coup. 1979 Russian occupation. 1989 Mujahideen expel Russians aided by CIA. 1990s Warlords. 2001 US attack Taliban.
Aggression. 1974 UN Definition-Use of armed force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another state.
Agnosticism. Huxley’s term for not knowing whether God exists or not.
Alba, Duke of. 1507-82. Tyrannical Spanish Governorof Netherlands 1567-73. Gueux.
Alberti, Leon. 1404-72. Italian Renaissance Man. Artist, poet, geographer, mathematician.