9 matches to Bengal
Baksar, Battle. 1764. British victory. Confirmed control over Bengal.
Bengal. 8C Pala emp. 11C Hindu. 13C Turk. 1576 Mogul. 1757 Britain. 1947 India(W)/Pakistan(E). 1971 E =Bangladesh.
Bengal Famine. 1770. 1/3 of population died. No British aid.
Bengal Partition. 1905-11. Split for administrative ease. Creates nationalistic opposition.
Black Hole of Calcutta. 1756. Small cell in which 123 of 146 British alledgedly died after being imprisoned by Bengalis.
Clive, Robert. 1725-74. Conquerer, First British governor of Bengal.
Hastings, Warren. 1732-1818. First English Gov-Gen of Bengal, 1772-84/5. Impeached...acquitted.
Plassey, Battle. 1757. British conquer Bengal.
Tagore, Rabindranath. 1861-1941. Bengali writer. Blending eastern, western thought.