41 matches to Beer Hall Putsch
Beer Hall Putsch. 1923. Hitler’s unsuccessful Munich uprising. Wrote Mein Kampf while imprisoned 8 months.
Munich Putsch. Beer Hall Putsch.
Beerbohm, Max. 1872-1956. English caricaturist, satirist, dandy. Caricatures 1896.
Gambrinus. Legendary Flemish king, beer inventor.
Johns, Jasper. 1930-. US Pop artist. Painted Bronze 1960 (2 beer cans).
Meyerbeer, Giacomo. 1791-1864. German operatic composer of French opera. Les Huguenots 1836.
Baltard, Victor. 1805-74. French architect. First to employ metal girders: Les Halles. St-Augustine’s Church.
Beaufort, François. 1616-69. Adored Fronde general. King of Halles.
Challenger Expedition. 1872-6. Oceanic survey of currents, depths, temps.
Crookes, William. 1832-1919. English physicist. Invented Crookes tube. Discovered thallium. Radiometer.
Faneuil Hall. 1742-. Boston “cradle of American liberty”.
Hall, Charles. 1863-1914. US. Aluminum manufacturing process 1886.
Hall, G. Stanley. 1844-1924. US child psychologist. Founded American Journal of Psychology 1887.
Haller, Albrecht von. 1708-77. Swiss anatomist. “Father of experimental physiology”.
Halles Market. 1110. Paris site of pillory. Covered 1854-6. Moved 1969.
Halley, Edmund. 1656-1742. English astronomer who explained comets 1705. First meteorological chart 1686.
Hallmark. 1300. First required in Britain.
Hallstatt. ~1100BC. Pioneer iron-age culture in Austria. Spread to Spain, Greece.
Hôtel de Ville, Paris (Town Hall). Designed by Il Bocardo, 1533.
Jones, Inigo. 1573-1652. English architect who introduced Palladian style. Greenwich House 1616. Whitehall Banquet Hall 1619.
Laxness, Halldór. 1902-98. Icelandic writer. Weaver of Cashmere 1927. Independent People 1935.
Liberty Bell. 1753. Independence Hall, Philadelphia. Cracked 1835.
Marbury vs Madison. 1803. First US Supreme court ruling an Act of Congress unconstitutional. Marshall.
Marshall, George. 1880-1959. US general. Marshall Plan.
Marshall, James. 1810-85. Discovered gold 1848. California Gold Rush 1849.