52 matches to Bavarian Succession
Bavarian Succession, War. (Potato War). 1778-9. Prussia stops Austria from taking over Bavarian land ceded to it.
Potato War. =Bavarian Succession.
Teschen Treaty. 1779. Austria, Prussia end War of Bavarian Succession.
Eisner, Kurt. 1867-1919. German Socialist Revolutionary leader. First Bavarian Prime Minister.
Hofer, Andreas. 1767-1810. Austrian. Led peasant rebellions vs French and Bavarians 1809-10.
Maximilian I. 1756-1825. Bavarian king 1806-. Allied with Napoleon. Consolidated Bavaria. Opposed German unification.
Maximilian II. 1811-64. Bavarian king 1848-. Tried to create a Bavarian-led alliance. Opposed by Prussia, Austria.
Senefelder, Alois. 1772-1834. Bavarian lithography inventor 1796.
Wittelsbach. Bavarian dynasty 1180-1918.
Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty. 1668. Ended War of Devolution between France, Spain. 1748. Ended War of Austrian Succession. Hapsburgs weakened, Prussian power recognized.
Ali. 4th Caliph, 656-661. Son-in-law of Muhammad. Succession led to Sunni/Shi’ite split. Moslem Civil War.
Altmark Truce. 1629-35. Polish-Swedish wars of succession.
Altranstadt, Peace. 1706 Sweden-Poland: Augustus renounces Polish throne. 1707 Sweden-HRE: HRE buys Swedish neutrality in War of Spanish Succession. 1714 Louis XIV-Charles VI.
Augustus III. 1696-1763. King of Poland 1734- after War of Polish Succession.
Austrian Succession, War. 1740-48. Jenkins Ear and King George’s Wars. Maria Theresa recognized. Francis I becomes Holy Roman Emperor. Prussian power shown. Aix-la-Chapelle Treaty. Silesian War.
Barrier Treaties. 1709-15. Britain, HRE aid United Provinces vs Spain, France. Spanish Succession.
Belle-Isle, Charles. 1684-1761. French marshal. Involved French in Austrian Succession War.
Blenheim, Battle. 1704. Bavaria. Marlborough’s victory in War of Spanish Succession. First French defeat in 50 years, saves Vienna.
Breton Succession War. 1341-65. Reestablishd Montfort rule in Brittany.
Count’s War. 1533-36. Danish war of succession. Confirmed Protestant Reformation and hereditary succession.
Dettingen, Battle. 1743. English defeat French in War of Austrian Succession.
Fontenoy, Battle. 1745. French victory in War of Austrian Succession.
Francis I. 1708-65. Holy Roman Emperor, 1745-. Husband of Maria Theresa. Wars of Polish and Austrian Succession.
Jenkins’ Ear, War. 1739-43. England vs Spain over restrictions of trade with Spanish colonies...War of Austrian Succession. Spanish cut ear, 1731.
Joseph I. 1678-1711. Holy Roman Emperor 1705-. Supported Charles VI vs France in War of Spanish Succession.