189 matches to Armenian Church
Armenian Church. c303. First Christian state church. 506 schism with Rome.
Armenia. 9C BC Vannic kingdom. 8C BC Persians, Assyrians, Armenians settle. 521BC Persian. 331BC Alexander...Seleucid. 298 Rome. 387 Persia/Byzantine. 7C Moslem. 885 Independent kingdom. 1071 Seljuk. 13C Mongol. 1405 Ottoman/Persian. 1514 Ottoman. 1918 Independent. 1920 Russia/Turkey. 1990 Independent. CIS.
Armenian Massacres. 1894-1918. 1.8M Armenians killed in Turkey.
Urartu. 13-7C BC Kingdom in eastern Turkey. Conquered by Sargon. c600BC Armenians.
Acts of the Apostles. c70-90. Luke’s history of early Christian church.
Ambrose, St. c340-397. Bishop of Milan. Introduced Plainsong (chant) into church music.
Anarchism. 19C Philosophy: “Every man should be his own government, his own law, his own church”-Owen. Thoreau’s return to nature, passive resistance, and no taxes influenced Ghandi. Proudhon. Tolstoy. Godwin.
Anglicanism. Catholic adherence to the doctrines of the Church of England.
Anglo-Catholicism. High Church movement in Church of England. Stresses link with Roman Catholic church. Oxford Movement.
Anti-Clericalism. Hostility to church political power.
Athos, Mt. 963-. Greek theocracy, site of Orthodox monasteries.
Augsburg, Peace. 1555. Allowed both Lutheranism and Catholicism within Holy Roman Empire.
Augsburg Confession. 1530. Doctrine of faith of Lutheran Church. Consubstantiation. Predestination. Diet of Augsburg. Melanchthon.
Augustine, St. 354-430. Author of Confessions, City of God. Bishop of Hippo. “God is omnipotent.” Introduced Neoplatonic Determinism to Christianity. Church should rule state.
Baltard, Victor. 1805-74. French architect. First to employ metal girders: Les Halles. St-Augustine’s Church.
Bangorian Controversy. 1717. Dispute over Church of England’s powers.
Baptists. 1608-. Congregationalist Christian church. Baptism for believers only, (not infants).
Barnabas, St. -61. Cyprus Christian. Founded church at Antioch.
Baruch, Bernard. 1870-1965. US financier/elder statesman; adviser to US presidents, Churchill.
Basil, St. 330-79. Founder of Basilians...Greek Orthodox Church.
Beghards. 13C. Catholic men’s charitable communities. Condemned 1311.
Bell Book and Candle. Roman Catholic excommunication.
Bellarmine, St. Robert. 1542-1621. Italian Jesuit defender of RC church vs Protestantism, Copernican theory, heretics. Galileo.
Benedictines. 529-. RC monastic order. Spread Christianity. Preserved Latin culture.
Bernanos, Georges. 1888-1948. French Catholic polemic writer against materialism. Diary of a Country Priest 1937.