113 matches to Anti-Saloon League
Anti-Saloon League. 1893 US Temperance organization. Prohibition.
Temperance Movement. 1808 Begun in NY by women and churches. 1874 WCTU. 1890 Carry Nation. 1893 Anti-Saloon League. Prohibition.
Abyssinian War. 1935-6. Italy invades Ethiopia. League of Nations ineffective.
Achaean League. 5-4C BC. Greek towns in common defence against pirates in Gulf of Corinth. 280-146BC. Model for federal government. Created to fight Macedonia. Dissolved by Romans.
Aetolian League. 4-2C BC. Confederation of Greek city states, led by Thebes.
Aga Khan III. 1877-1957. Indian Moslem leader. President, League of Nations, Gen Assembly, 1937.
Alboin. -572. Germanic Lombard King. Allied Germanic tribes and conquered N Italy.
Alcibiades. c450-404BC. Athenian egoist general, Peloponnesian War. Murdered.
Anjala League. 1788-89. Swedish, Finnish officers conspire vs Gustav III to end Russo-Swedish War.
Anti-Corn Law League. 1839-46. Cobden and Bright’s pacifist movement for Free Trade, public education, against social reform and Chartists. Corn Laws.
Arab League. 1945. Non-aggression and cooperation treaty of Arab states. Collective Treaty of Defence, 1950, to defend against Israeli aggression.
Arcadian League. 370-362BC. Union of states vs Sparta.
Athenian League. 378-338BC. Refounded Delian League. War with Sparta 378-371BC.
Augsburg League. 1686-9. Holy Roman Empire and allies vs France. Replaced by Grand Alliance.
Awami League. 1954-71. For Bangladesh independence. Rahman.
Balkan League. 1912-13. Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, and Montenegro. Balkan Wars.
Balkan Wars. 1912-13. Balkan League defeats Ottoman Empire. Turkish territory distributed. General dissatisfaction termed the “powder keg of Europe”.
Barricades, Day of the. 1588. Paris. Catholic League rebels vs Henry III.
Besant, Annie. 1847-1933. English Theosophist. Founded Indian Home Rule League 1916.
Boeotian League. 550-335BC. Federal government formed by Thebes. Opposed Sparta in Corinthian War. Defeated by Philip of Macedonia, 338. Destroyed by Alexander the Great, 335.
Bourgeois, Léon. 1851-1925. French statesman. League of Nations.
Boycott, Charles. 1832-97. English land agent boycotted in Ireland, 1879. Land League.
Breitenfeld, Battles. 1631,42. Swedish victories over Catholic League in 30 Years War. Sweden a great power.
Bright, John. 1811-89. English Quaker MP: Free Trade Movement. Cobden. Anti-Corn Law.
Buisson, Ferdinand. 1841-1932. French educator. Founded League of Human Rights 1898.