93 matches to Alexander
Acre. 1450BC- Egypt/ Assyria/ Persia/ Macedonia. 336BC Alexander...Egypt. 1C Rome. 614 Persia. 638 Moslem. 969 Egypt. 1079 Seljuk. 1099 Crusaders. 1104 Jerusalem. 1187 Saladin. 1191 Crusaders. 1291 Mameluks. 1517 Turks. 1918 British. 1948 Israel.
Afghanistan. c200BC Aryan. 6C BC Achaemenid. 330 Alexander...Seleucid/ Maurya. 2C BC Persia/ India/ Parthia/ Kushan. 7C Arab (NW). 750 Persia (W)/ Hindu (E). 1219 Mongol...Timurid. 1525 Mogul. 1737 Persia. 1747 Monarchy. 19 C Britain/Russia dispute 1880 British suzerainty. 1919 Independent. 1973 Marxist coup, Republic. 1978 Communist coup. 1979 Russian occupation. 1989 Mujahideen expel Russians aided by CIA. 1990s Warlords. 2001 US attack Taliban.
Alexander. 1876-1903. Serbian King, 1889-. Scandals, authoritarianism led to assassination.
Alexander. 1888-1934. Yugoslav King, 1921-. United Serbs, Croats, Slovenes as Yugoslavia 1929. Assassinated.
Alexander, Harold (of Tunis). 1891-1969. British. Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean 1944-45. Directed Dunkirk evacuation. Governor General of Canada, 1946-52.
Alexander I. 1777-1825. Russian Czar, 1801-. Liberal reformer. Defeated Napoleon. Holy Alliance.
Alexander II. 1818-81. Russian Czar 1855-. Emancipated serfs, 1861. Established elected assemblies, Zemstvo, settled Crimean War. Assassinated by Narodniki.
Alexander III. 1845-1894. Russian Czar 1881-. Established absolute rule using secret police. Temporary Rules. Franco-Russian Alliance.
Alexander III. Pope 1159-81. Instituted papal conclave to elect popes 1179.
Alexander VI. Pope. Demarcation Bull 1493 divided newly discovered land between Spain, Portugal. Tordesillas.
Alexander of Hales. -1245. English Franciscan Aristotelian philosopher, theologian. Summa Theologia 1246.
Alexander the Great. 356-323BC. Macedonian king 336-. Conquered an Asian empire to Persia and India.
Alexandria. Founded 332BC by Alexander the Great. Centre of Hellenistic culture. Lighthouse one of Seven Wonders. 284BC Great Library of 700,000+ volumes. Fires 47BC, 391.
Anatolia. 1900BC Hittite(C)/ Akkadian(E). 1200BC Phrygian. 8C Lydia. 546 Cyrus. 334BC Alexander. 133 AD Rome...Byzantine. 1071 Seljuk. 1243 Mongol/Crusaders. 1307 Ottoman. 1920 Turkey.
Appian of Alexander. 2C. Greek/Roman historian.
Armenia. 9C BC Vannic kingdom. 8C BC Persians, Assyrians, Armenians settle. 521BC Persian. 331BC Alexander...Seleucid. 298 Rome. 387 Persia/Byzantine. 7C Moslem. 885 Independent kingdom. 1071 Seljuk. 13C Mongol. 1405 Ottoman/Persian. 1514 Ottoman. 1918 Independent. 1920 Russia/Turkey. 1990 Independent. CIS.
Babylonia. c8000BC Tigris-Euphrates Civ’n. 1792-50BC Hammurabi’s emp. c1530 Kassite. 11C Aramaen, Assyrian. 625 Chaldean. 538 Achaemenid. 331BC Alexander.
Bactria. c1500BC Aryan. 545BC Persia. 328BC Alexander. 256BC-140 Graeco-Bactria. Badakhshan. 7C Moslem. 1220 Genghis Khan. Now Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.
Badakhshan. 255BC-1584. Kingdom in Bactria claiming direct descendance from Alexander the Great.
Bain, Alexander. 1818-1903. Scottish pragmatist philosopher, psychologist. Logic 1870.
Bell, Alexander Graham. 1847-1922. Scottish/ US inventor of the telephone 1876. Gray. Reis.
Boeotian League. 550-335BC. Federal government formed by Thebes. Opposed Sparta in Corinthian War. Defeated by Philip of Macedonia, 338. Destroyed by Alexander the Great, 335.
Borgia, Cesare. 1476-1507. Ruthless Italian Machiavellian statesman. Son of Pope Alexander VI.
Borgia, Lucrezia. 1480-1519. Daughter of Pope Alexander VI. Known for vices and crimes.
Bucephalus. -326BC. Alexander the Great’ s horse.