17 matches to Alban
Alban, St. -c303. First British martyr.
Albania. Balkans. 3-5C Visigoth, Huns invade. 6-7C Bulgars, Serbs, Slavs invade.12-15C Bulgar, Norman, Angevin, Serb, Venice contest.15C Ottoman. 1912 Independent republic. 1928 Monarchy (Zog). 1939 Italy occupies. 1945 Communist (Hoxha). 1961 Left Warsaw Pact. 1991 Democratic Constitution.
Alia, Ramiz. 1925-. Albanian President 1982-92.
Balkans. Inhabited c6000BC. 6C BC Illyria. 148BC Rome(Illyricum)(N). 285 Byzantine(E). 4-7C Goths, Avars, Huns, Ostrogoths, Lombards, Slavs, Bulgars, Serbs invade. 890 Bulgar Empire. 1159 Serbian empire. 1389 Ottoman. 1699 Austria(E,N)/Venice(S,W). 19C Eastern Question. Albania. Bosnia-Herzegovina. Bulgaria. Croatia. Greece. Macedonia. Montenegro. Romania. Serbia. Slovenia. Yugoslavia.
Berg, Alban. 1885-1935. Austrian opera composer. Adopted 12-note method. Atonal-tonal fusion. Wozzeck 1925.
Essad, Pasha. 1863-1920. Albanian dictator, 1914-16.
Hoxha, Enver. 1908-85. Albanian Marxist-Leninist dicatator 1944-.
Kosovo. Predominantly Albanian province of southwest Serbia, Yugoslavia. 1996-99 KLA rebels seek autonomy. Serbian ethnic cleansing.
Montenegro. Balkans. 1159 Serbian Empire. 1516 Autonomous, repelling Turk, Serb, Albanian invasions. 1878 Independent. 1910 Kingdom. 1915 Germans occupy. 1918 +Serbia=Yugoslavia. WWII Italy occupies. 1946 Yugoslavia. 1992 +Serbia=Yugoslavia.
Normans. 9C. Norsemen who settled in northern France, Sicily, Naples, Albania, Thessaloniki.
Offa. 755-796. King of Mercia 757-. Founded St. Alban’s abbey. Dee Dyke vs Welsh 785. Introduced coinage. Treaty with Charlemagne. Began unification of England.
Picts. Inhabitants of Scotland. Repelled Romans. Subdued by MacAlpin 843 creating Alban.
Scandberg. 1404-68. Albanian prince, raised as hostage in Turkey. Led Albanians vs Turks 1444-66.
St Albans. 1455. First battle of War of Roses. Henry VI captured by Yorks.
St Albans Raid. 1864. Confederates attack Vermont from Canada.
Stefan Dushan. 1308-55. Serbian king/Emperor 1331-. Conquered Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia. Law Code 1349-54.
Zog I. 1895-1961. King of Albania 1928-39. Dependent on Mussolini. Deposed after Italy invaded.