146 matches to Aga Khan
Aga Khan. Title of leader of Ismaili Moslem sect.
Aga Khan III. 1877-1957. Indian Moslem leader. President, League of Nations, Gen Assembly, 1937.
Abraham. c2000BC. Old Testament father of Jewish, Arab peoples. Sarah. Hagar.Ishmael.
Achaean League. 5-4C BC. Greek towns in common defence against pirates in Gulf of Corinth. 280-146BC. Model for federal government. Created to fight Macedonia. Dissolved by Romans.
Aeschylus. 524-456BC. Founded Greek tragic drama. Introduced 2nd actor, reduced chorus. Prometheus Bound. Seven Against Thebes, 467.
Agadir Crisis. 1911. French/German crisis by German manoevres off Morocco.
Agam, Yaacov. 1928-. Israeli optical artist.
Agamemnon. Legendary King of Argos/Mycenae. Led Greeks in Trojan War.
Aggression. 1974 UN Definition-Use of armed force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another state.
Anglo-Soviet Agreement. 1941. 20 year pledge against Nazi Germany and Axis powers.
Anti-Corn Law League. 1839-46. Cobden and Bright’s pacifist movement for Free Trade, public education, against social reform and Chartists. Corn Laws.
Anti-Semitism. Racial prejudice against Jews. Pogrom. Final Solution.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. 1880-1918. Italian/French avant-garde poet, coined term Surrealism to describe Chagall work.
Arab League. 1945. Non-aggression and cooperation treaty of Arab states. Collective Treaty of Defence, 1950, to defend against Israeli aggression.
Arriaga, Manuel. 1842-1917. First President of Portugal.
Ashikaga. 1338-1573. Japanese Shogunate. Overthrew Emperor.
Aske, Robert. -1537. Led Pilgrimage of Grace against Henrician Reformation.
Atreus. King of Mycenae. Father of Agamemnon and Menelaus.
Barton, Elizabeth. 1506-34. Maid of Kent. Executed for prophesy against Henry VIII marrying Anne Boleyn.
Bernanos, Georges. 1888-1948. French Catholic polemic writer against materialism. Diary of a Country Priest 1937.
Bernardin de St. Pierre, Jacques. 1737-1814. French writer. Propagated JJ Rousseau’s back to nature philosophy. Paul et Virginie 1788.
Bhagavad-Gita. (Lord’s Song) Hindu scripture.
Bhagavatas. 2C BC. Hindu sect.
Blondin, Charles. 1824-97. French tightrope walker over Niagara, 1859.
Braganca. Ruling dynasty of Portugal 1640-1910, Brazil 1822-89.