89 matches to Addled Parliament
Addled Parliament. 1614. England. Criticized James I; achieved nothing.
Admonition to Parliament. 1572. Puritans demand episcopacy abolition.
Althing. 930~. Icelandic parliament. World’s oldest.
Asquith, Herbert. 1852-1928. Liberal Prime Minister of England, 1908-16: Pensions and unemployment insurance. Parliament Act.
Ballot Act. 1872. Established secret ballot in English Parliamentary elections.
Barebones Parliament. 1653. Cromwell’s Nominated Puritan Parliament. Named for MP, Praise-God Barbon.
Barry, Charles. 1795-1860. English architect: Westminster Parliament 1840. Trafalgar Square 1840-3.
Bishops’ Wars. 1639. Scots vs Charles’ Anglicanism. 1640. Covenanters force Charles to call Long Parliament.
Brazzaville Declaration. 1944. Established colonial representation in French parliament, but not autonomy.
Bristol Riots. 1831. For British parliamentary reform.
Broussel. Parliamentarian, whose arrest by Anne of Austria began the Fronde 1648.
Bundesrat. Upper house of Swiss, German, Austria Parliaments.
Bundestag. Lower House of German Parliament 1949-. Elects Chancellor.
Canterbury Christmas. 1647. Parliament bans Christmas celebration.
Catholic Emancipation Act. 1829. Catholics readmitted to English Parliament. Test Act. O’Connell.
Cavalier Parliament. 1661-79. Royalist. Repressive laws against Puritans and Catholics.
Charles I. 1600-49. King of Great Britain and Ireland. 1625-. Attempted to rule without Parliament. Defeated in Civil War. Beheaded.
Convention Parliament. 1660. Restored monarchy. William and Mary 1689.
Dail Eireann. 1919. Irish national parliament.
Defender of the Faith. 1521. Title conferred by Pope Leo X on Henry VIII. Withdrawn after Act of Supremacy. Reconfirmed by Parliament, 1544 for all succeeding monarchs.
Devil’s Parliament. 1459. Held at Coventry.
Drunken Parliament. 1661. Scotland.
Duma. 1906-17. Russian parliament created by Nicholas II after Revolution.
Dunces Parliament. 1404. Coventry. No lawyers.
Eliot, John. 1592-1632. English Puritan leader. Parliamentary liberties.