8 matches to Abbas
Abbas, Ferhat. 1899-1995. First President of independent Algeria 1962-3.
Abbas II. 1874-1944. Last Egyptian khedive, 1892-. Opposed British. Deposed, 1914.
Abbasid. 750-1258. Second Empire of Caliphate dynasty. Overthrew Umayyads; destroyed by Mongols.
Abu al-Abbas as Saffah. 722-54. First Abbasid caliph 749-.
Barabbas. Thief freed by crowd instead of Jesus.
Caliphate Empire. 632-1258. Moslem Empire founded by Muhammad. From Afghanistan to north Africa and Spain. Umayyad. Abbasid.
Harun-ar-Rashid. c764-809. Abbasid Caliph, 786-. Subject of One Thousand and One Nights.
Umayyad. 661-750. Sunni Moslem dynasty of Caliphate Empire. Defeated by Abbasid revolt. Abd ar-Rahman escaped to establish dynasty in Spain 756-1031.